Paphiopedilum Doll's Kobold

Week 99: October 2, 2023

Paphiopedilum Doll's Kobold

(Paph. charlesworthii

Paph. henryanum)

Paphiopedilum Doll's Kobold (Paph. charlesworthii  x Paph. henryanum) was originated and registered by H. Doll in 1992.

This primary Paphiopedilum hybrid is known as a 'teacup' Paphiopedilums.

Previous Awards:

There are 10 AOS awards for this cross; cultivar 'M&M' Orchids HCC/AOS 77 pts awarded in November 13, 2021 is the latest award.


Our candidate has 2 flowers and one bud on three up to 14-cm staked inflorescences. Plant is growing in a 6.5 cm plastic pot with small bark mix. Plant has multiple growths, 27 cm wide and 14 cm tall

Flower Measurements:

NS H - 8.5 cm;                   NS V - 7.0 cm;

Dorsal Sep. W - 4.8 cm;    Dorsal Sep. L - 4.9 cm;

Petal W - 2.0 cm;               Petals L - 4.3 cm;

Lat/Synsepal W - 2.6 cm; Lat/Synsepal L - 3.5 cm;

Lip/Pouch W - 2.5 cm;      Lip/Pouch L - 4.0 cm.

Judges' Comments

Al Messina (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Two flowers and one bud on a nicely grown and presented, multi growth plant.

Considerable, quite inconsistent dorsal sepal deformity disqualifying for any award on this bloom.

With continued excellent culture, it should qualify for cultural award in a few cycles.



Ginna Plude (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

This is an interesting plant to me mainly because I'm a bit surprised that there are that many awards for the cross. Overall, I don't find it a particularly pleasing cross, mainly because of the undulating nature of the dorsal and the color of the petals which, to my eye, seem at odds with the rest of the flower.  For the candidate I have a few concerns.  The dorsal sepal seems a bit undersized, and in at least one of the photos it looks a bit thin at the margins.  The flower is fairly cupped as well which can be seen in the side shots but also in how the staminode is somewhat hidden by the pouch.

Someone has done a nice job of growing this plant up, but for me it is not something I would likely nominate for a flower quality award.


Kristen Mason (Accredited Judge, Cincinnati Judging Center)

Nice display slightly above the foliage; beautiful color - I really love the dorsal spots and central blush of chartreuse, and the balance with the spots and color of the synsepal; form is problematic - one is not symmetrical and the other has problems with the dorsal.  Petal presentation is nice. I would pass on this flowering.



Dave Sorokowsky (Accredited Judge, California-Sierra Nevada Judging Center)

The color is very nice, especially the pink blush in the dorsal. It looks like there is a nice glossy texture. The form is not up to our standards. The dorsal sepal is out of proportion with the rest of the flower (too narrow), it is too ruffled, the staminodal shield is off center and the pouch juts forward too much. I would not nominate this plant for a quality award. If I had to score it...even if I give this AM points for color, my score would be 72.


Paul Wetter (Senior Judge, West Palm Beach Judging Center)

Paph. Doll’s Kobold is a lovely hybrid that brings out some of the best qualities of both parents. Some previous awards with nicer forms of dorsal sepal and petals and size closer to geometric mean of parents. I like the color and that it brings more of the pink pouch of henryanum parent. Would like to see a better form of dorsal sepal and petals and perhaps that would improve with subsequent blooming. Would not nominate at this time and suggest bring back with subsequent blooming to see if there are improvements in these factors. 

Paul Wetter



Pam Noll (Student Judge, Alamo Judging Center)

The subject plant, Paph. Doll’s Kobold, is beautiful to look at, I thought the colors and markings were pleasingly arranged. The segments are generally balanced in the photographs, well-held above the foliage. The pink suffusion and pink dots on the white dorsal sepal are attractive. The saddle-tan petals are reticulated darker brown and held horizontally. The pouch color is a blend of the pigments of both parents.

The flower measurements fall within the averages for some, not all, measurement points of 6 other AOS awarded flowers.

The flower’s tipped staminode shows up in two photographs. It appears to be crunched up by the left side lobe of the pouch. The dorsal sepal is not as wide at the base as might be expected from both parents. I give credit to the petals, open form and color, but would not nominate it for scoring.

Pamela Noll

Student, Alamo JC


Carson Barnes (Accredited Judge, Atlanta Judging Center)

Symmetry problem with staminode, looks like middle of dorsal is quite keeled and unevenly so. 

Sheer size, it appears to be in the range. The pink blush with halos around the spots on the dorsal is especially attractive.

Compared to ‘Haley Suzanne’, 80 points from long ago. Dorsal on that one was fuller. 

I suspect that some of the more recent examples are from sib crosses; it’s a problem when there are so many with which to compare, it does tend to raise the bar!

Carson Barnes 


Mary C. Mancini (Accredited Judge, Louisiana Judging Center)

This is a little harder to judge from a video.  My impression is that the pouch is not symmetrical with the synsepal which poses a significant form issue.  It is a lovely flower but based upon form I would not score it.

Mary Mancini


Deb Doersma (Associate Judge, Great Lakes Judging Center)

What a pretty little teacup Paph, you definitely see the influence of the charlesworthii broad dorsal and the spotting on dorsal and the pick pouch from the henryanum parent. However, the flower does not have the best form, the dorsal is quite hooded and margins are rolled. It isn’t nearly as broad as the cultivar ‘Carolyn’s Joy’ at a width of 8.5 cm or the cultivar ‘Rita Craig’ with a dorsal width of 9.0 cm. ‘Memoria John Stewart’ has a board dorsal at 7.5 cm and the flower is quite flat. Our candidate has a dorsal width of 4.8 cm, much smaller hence lacking the full, round appearance. The overall size of the flower is not a concern to me as this is teacup paphiopedilum breeding but the fullness and symmetry of the flower could be better. It has some nice spotting and nice pink color to the pouch but appears to be somewhat washed out compared to the ‘Rita Craig’ with darker saturated color.

I would not nominate this plant at this time.


Emily Quinn (Accredited Judge, Dallas Judging Center)

I think I would pass on this clone. While it is larger than average, its form is no improvement. Check the older award 'Hart's Reward'. For a 75, HCC its color is better and, also form is better.


Alan Koch (Accredited Judge, California-Sierra Nevada Judging Center)

This is a plant for a raffle table where someone can learn how to grow Paphs. The beauty of a charlesworthii hybrid is the large flat dorsal sepal that it normally imparts. The accordion pleating of the dorsal sepal precludes this plant from judging in my opinion.


Mary Cash (Student Judge, Alamo Judging Center)

The candidate’s symmetry and form are pleasing. Very pleasant color and pattern. The candidate appears to be mature and well grown. On average Paphiopedilum average around 2 blooms, the candidate will have 3 blooms at its prime. The growth of the leaves flows geometrically. 

It is noted that there is one leaf that appears to be marred. Characteristics from both parents is evident. Dorsal sepal is peaked and spotted with a gentle nodding. The porch is oversized. The large fuchsia glossy pouch is a positive.

The candidate’s 8.5 cm NS H is larger than both parent (Paph. henryanum 7.2 cm and Paph. charlesworthii 8.3 cm). The 4.8 cm dorsal sepal W is midrange between both parents (Paph. henryanum 3.8 cm and Paph. charlesworthii 6.1 cm). The width and length of the candidate’s pouch is bigger and fuller than its parents. The attractiveness of a 2.5 cm pouch W (Paph. henryanum 1.3 cm and Paph. charlesworthii 1.7 cm) and a 4.0 cm pouch L (Paph. henryanum 2.0 cm Paph. charlesworthii 2.2 cm) is desirable.

If this plant was presented to the judging table, I would nominate it for a quality award. Giving it a score of 82 points.


Elena Skoropad (Associate Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Doll’s Kobold is a very nice hybrid.  There are 10 AOS awards recorded. I looked at HCCs and apparently, they have a better more symmetric form than our candidate. Our candidate has a nice pink glossy pouch, the dorsal form is not up to modern standards. Also, the symmetry of the flower is a bit off. I would not nominate this plant for flower quality award on the blooming. The plan has potential, we need to see what it can do on the next blooming. I would definitely keep the plant. The exhibitor did a nice job and the culture is right, this plant has 2 flowers and one bud. Keep growing it!!

Thank you,



Deb Bodei (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Paphiopedilum Doll's Kobold (Paph. charlesworthii x Paph. henryanum)

I grow this cross and enjoy the teacups, although they can sometimes be finicky to bring to bloom each year.  The grower is doing a great job here with a healthy plant, and it's blooming too! We don't yet have enough flowers for a cultural award, so we look at this plant for a flower award.

Past awarded Doll's Kobold plants have been showing darker coloring and better form in some of the later awards.  I compare the form and color of the candidate most to 'Haley Suzanne' from 2011, but with a better formed dorsal on this one. On the candidate we are seeing more fenestration and some asymmetry. The petals however, are very well held for this cross. I suspect the paler color could be attributed to the flowers beginning to fade, and these blooms might be a little past prime as also indicated by the dorsal sepal beginning to curl at the margins. I would have liked to have seen this plant with the third bloom open.

I would not nominate this plant based on the flowering of the two blooms we are seeing in these photos, but I think it has the potential to get one or both cultural and/or flower awards in the future. The grower achieved this blooming and has the ability to improve it. I say kudos and please allow us to see it again!

Thank you,


Exhibitor - Jaymie Santiago, NJ (Student Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Grower's Advice

Thank you to all the judges for providing your time to comment on this entry.

These teacup-type Paphiopedilums were my fascination a few years ago. Their small stature make it so I can squeeze three or four plants in the same space that one standard size multifloral Paph would take up. And, their care is relatively identical; no fuss. I grow all my Paphs in a bark mix with some peat and on windowsills inside my house during the winter; come Memorial Day, they go outside until October. This particular hybrid was purchased as a seedling and has been in my collection for about 5 years - - and still only growing in a 2.5” pot. I fertilize once a month and water a little more frequently when I see the inflorescence forming, blooming reliable in September/October. I agree with most of the comments provided by the judges around the form of the flowers, indeed, the form of the flower has its flaws, but in my opinion, it is still very pleasing to the eye. However, I decided to submit this plant mostly because of the deep coloration - - I’ve yet to see a Doll’s Kobold with better saturation and color (although the pictures wash it out a little). Since it grows so well for me, I hope to bring it back in the future for cultural consideration.

