Paphiopedilum Doll's Kobold
Week 110: September 2, 2024
Paphiopedilum Doll's Kobold
(Paph. charlesworthii x
Paph. henryanum)
Paphiopedilum Doll's Kobold (Paph. charlesworthii x Paph. henryanum) was originated and registered by H. Doll in 1992.
This primary Paphiopedilum hybrid is known as a 'teacup' Paphiopedilums.
Previous Awards:
There are 12 AOS awards for this cross; cultivar 'Rudolph' AM/AOS 77 pts awarded in November 11, 2023 is the latest award.
Our candidate has 5 flowers and one bud on six up to 26-cm staked inflorescences. Plant is growing in a 4.5 cm square plastic pot and has multiple growths, 37 cm wide and 27 cm tall.
Flower Measurements:
NS H - 8.2 cm; NS V - 7.9 cm;
Dorsal Sep. W - 6.0 cm; Dorsal Sep. L - 4.7 cm;
Petal W - 2.3 cm; Petals L - 4.2 cm;
Lat/Synsepal W - 2.6 cm; Lat/Synsepal L - 4.1 cm;
Lip/Pouch W - 3.0 cm; Lip/Pouch L - 4.2 cm.
Judges' Comments
Al Messina (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Good size flowers, overall better than prior nine flower awards beautifully and conscientiously staked and arranged for maximal pleasing exhibition, emanating from a very clean plant, significantly better, albeit minimally less flower count, than prior two cultural awards. Should qualify for a low/mid AM and culture award, 80-82.
Great presentation and attention to culture by grower!
Kris Mason (Accredited Judge, Cincinnati Judging Center)
Nice bold overall presentation with impact. Flowers held just above the foliage. The color of these flowers is pleasing. Deep pink pouch, dark petals, strong markings against clear background on the dorsal with a slight chartreus flush centrally that balances the beautiful chartreus synsepal that contrasts nicely with the pouch. The consistency of the dorsal marking from flower to flower is really nice. I like the smooth and even sides and ruffling on the sides of the dorsal. However, the petal width is narrow compared to the awards, petal stance is inconsistent from flower to flower and the reflexing at the base of the dorsal is significant and inconsistent from flower to flower. I would reluctantly pass on a quality award. Although nicely flowered, especially for the size of the plant, compared to the other cultural awards, it's a little shy on flower count. In addition, there is some cell collapse visible on the leaves. Nicely grown and flowered plant, just outside of award level. Thank you for this beautiful entry.
Steve González-Costa (Accredited Judge, Chicago Judging Center)
Very nice specimen, well grown with a very good presenttion. When looking at color it is fairly strong, as should be with tis hybrid, but the dorsal really narrows at the apex and there is quite bit of reflexing. The dorsal doesn’t have the typical severe pinch that are typically seen, but it really is minimized because the sides of the dorsal sepal really recurve backwards. Size is in range, but neither the flower or the segments really go above what is typical. I’ll pass nominating for a flower quality award, but I would nominate and scored 82 pt. CCM for the very nicely grouped of upright, centered bouquet presentation.
Mary Cash (Student Judge, Alamo Judging Center)
The candidate is very well presented. The foliage is very full, rich and dark green. The candidate is a very well grown plant. Very symmetrical.
The blooms show off their parentage with the spotting on the dorsal and the robust waxy coloration of the lip. The synsepal accents the blooms with its intense chartreuse coloration.
The blooms are displayed uniformly and are pleasing to the eye.
If the candidate was presented to the judging table, I would award it an AM with a point value between 82-83.
Joe Bryson (Accredited Judge, Florida North-Central Judging Center)
I find this plant to be very nice. The flowers are aesthetically pleasing and the arrangement good. The size is comparable to the other awards and the form and color is better than the two recent awards. The plant appears immaculate with no visible blemishes. The floriferousness is somewhat less than the two previous CCM's, one in a 7 " clay pot (8 flowers & 1 bud) and the other in a 4" pot (7 flowers & 1 bud); however, the arrangement is quite nice and I think a well grown, attractive plant with 5 flowers and 1 bud well displayed in a 4 1/2" pot. I would have no problems scoring this with a low CCM maybe 80-81 points and an AM of ~ 82-84 points.
Christian Carrillo (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
What a clean and well-grown example of the cross. Immediately, I find the color balance of the candidate quite charming. The pink pouch is wonderfully framed by the mahogany petals and the white base color of the dorsal. I find the form of the flowers very consistent with little ruffling on the sides of the dorsal. The pinching on the top of the dorsal is uniform from flower to flower, and an expected characteristic of the cross. Some photographs present the flower a little more cupped than I would like, but it's hard to tell. The color of the dorsal is lovely with a nice balance of spotting and stripes on a clean white background. Overall, the size of the flower is bigger than the average and this helps in its scoring. I would nominate this plant for an 80-84 AM award as well as a cultural award of 80-81 points.
Deb Jenson (Student Judge, Chicago Judging Center)
This is a well-grown plant, and I appreciate the grower’s efforts in getting all 5 flowers to bloom simultaneously. This is a situation where I would love to see this plant live vs. photos, as it’s difficult to examine each flower to determine the quality. I’m not sure that the single flower chosen as the close-up was the best, and the photo is so close-up that it’s hard to see the entire flower, and the petals are cropped out. Using that photo, I would not nominate for a quality award as I find the overall form is too cupped, particularly the hooded dorsal. However, I’m not convinced one of the other flowers may have a better form and deserve a nomination.
I would consider this for a CCM award, as it’s well-grown and looks to be a very clean, pristine plant.
Pam Noll (Student Judge, Alamo Judging Center)
A very attractive display of flowers on this plant, although I think there may not be enough flowers for a cultural award. The dorsal sepals are a crisp white with pink veining in a nice fan shape on the basal half, and dark pink spots up the central veining which contrast nicely with the solid deep rose color of the pouch. The petals are rich mahogany, lightly tessellated, and held horizontally in most of the flowers, although a bit cupped. The vivid chartreuse synsepals add to the overall pleasing appearance of the flowers. At least one of the flowers appears to be eligible for a quality award, unfortunately, that is not the flower in the close-up photo. If a photo(s) of that better flower were available, I might score it in the high HCC range. I would suggest that the owner take this plant to a judging center and see if there is a favorable outcome.
Pamela Noll
Paul Wetter (Senior Judge, West Palm Beach Judging Center)
Thank you for submitting this nicely grown and beautiful plant Paph. Doll’s Kobold. This primary hybrid of charlesworthii and henryanum displays and combines many of the striking features of both parents including the wide dorsal of charlesworthii and lovely markings and some minor pleasing form features of henryanum. There could be further improvements in color and form, however I think this would be a nominated and awarded flower in the very high HCC low AM range.
Thank you and Best regards
Paul Wetter
Bob Winkley (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Thank you for providing such a beautifully flowered, well-grown plant. It's nice to see a mature example of this type of Paphiopedilum.
The easier decision for me is that I would nominate this plant for a cultural award and score it around 81 points. The five flowers are all in good shape, well presented around the plant and are displaying on similarly sized inflorescences, all pointing towards sustained excellent culture.
In terms of flower quality, there is much going for this flower in terms of color. The dorsal sepals are consistent in both their coloration and markings, the spotting being quite clean. The mahogany reticulation of the dark tan petals is quite handsome and the very lovely lavender-pink hue of the petal is nicely contrasted with the pale green-chartreuse color of the synsepal.
The overall size of the flower is in line with prior awards. Where we run into issues is the form of the mature dorsal sepals as the distal margin is hooded and heavily undulated while the lower margins are very heavily recurved for the proximal third. While these trait can show up in either parent, the best clones of the species have upright, full dorsal sepals with little or no recurving. This can also be said of the awards to this hybrid - the better flowers have full, round dorsal sepals.
I think this flower has great potential. If it were nominated I would likely score it around 77/78 pts. Personally, I would be reticent to nominate it for flower quality on this flowering.
All the best -
Bob W.
Exhibitor - Darlene Thompson, OH
Virtual Award Description
Five flowers and one bud uniformly displayed just above the immaculate foliage on six up to 26-cm staked inflorescences, born from clean and well-grown plant 37-cm wide and 27-cm tall, in a 4.5-cm square plastic pot; dorsal sepals hooded, margins ruffled, pinched apically, white blushed light chartreuse with balance of spotting and striping; synsepal intense chartreuse; petals slightly cupped, dark mahogany, reticulated; pouch deep rose, contrasting with petal and synsepal colors; substance firm; texture waxy.
Grower's Advice
This clone has been with me for roughly eleven years and has been divided many times over that period. It's a very easy-going and vigorous plant. Most of my collection grows outdoors from late spring through early fall, depending on the weather in Northeast Ohio. During warm weather, this clone receives the following care: morning sun followed by bright shade for the remainder of the day, and watering with light fertilizer 2-3 times a week, depending on rainfall. This summer, I experimented with a time-release fertilizer by Greencare due to the intense rainfall early in the season limiting my ability to fertilize. Once nighttime temperatures consistently drop into the low 50s/high 40s, I move the plant indoors under LED lights with a 10-12 hour day/night cycle. Watering is reduced to 1-2 times per week, with fertilizer targeting 80-100 ppm nitrogen. I also flush the plant with plain water every 4-6 weeks. In my indoor grow room, daytime temperatures are in the mid-70s, with nighttime temperatures in the mid to high 50s. My indoor water source is reverse osmosis (RO) water with 10-20% well water added back. A defined rest period does not seem to be necessary for Doll's Kobold in my experience. However, it does respond well to some seasonal variations.
While I prefer to repot my Paphiopedilums and Phragmipediums annually, that doesn't always happen. However, this Doll's Kobold handles repotting every 18 months to two years without missing a beat.
Thank you for inviting me to participate in virtual judging and to all of the judges who took time to view my plant and provide feedback.
Best wishes,