Phalaenopsis Tai Goo
Week 97: July 31, 2023
Phalaenopsis Tai Goo
(Phalaenopsis Phoenix Gem x
Phalaenopsis Brother Ambo Passion)
Phalaenopsis Tai Goo (Phal. Phoenix Gem x Phal. Brother Ambo Passion). This cross was originated and registered by Eric Goo (Phoenix Orchids) in 2020. This Phalaenopsis have several Phal. species in the background: Phal. amboinensis; Phal. violacea; Phal. mariae; Phal. venosa; and few other.
Previous Awards:
There is no AOS awards for Phalaenopsis Tai Goo.
However, there is one AOS award for Phalaenopsis Phoenix Gem - 'Desert Red' HCC 75 pts and one AOS award for Phalaenopsis Brother Ambo Passion - 'Florida Red' AM 80 pts.
The candidate plant has four flowers and one bud (three flowers on one inflorescence and one flower and immature bud on second inflorescence).
Flower Measurements:
NS H - 5.1 cm; NS V - 5.2 cm;
Dorsal Sep. W - 2.0 cm; Dorsal Sep. L - 3.1 cm;
Petal W - 1.6 cm; Petals L - 2.2 cm;
Lat/Sepal W - 2.2 cm; Lat/Sepal L - 3.3 cm;
Lip/Pouch W - 0.8 cm; Lip/Pouch L - 3.1 cm.
Judges' Comments
Ginna Plude (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
The coloring of the candidate is very nice and the segments are fairly well balanced, though the petals look a bit small compared to the sepals. While the plant is probably pointable (I'd have to see it in person to be sure) I don't consider it an improvement over the parents, especially Phoenix Gem which I think may have been under pointed. That plant has a nice rich color and appears to be a pretty flat flower. Brother Ambo Passion also appears to be a much flatter flower.
If pointed, I see this as a lower HCC.
Carri Raven-Reimann (Senior Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Comments about the candidate:
1 ~ This plant is still pretty young & is suffering from just having 2 leaves on it at this time which can compromise its flowering ability & form. Our eye always goes to color first, so my comment on form ignores color & instead relates to the petals which are not smooth & the fact that the flowers appear to be a little crowded on the inflorescence.
2 ~ As a novelty hybrid, it’s bringing us nothing new in this particular line of breeding although the flower is pleasing & I’m sure it’s waxy in substance & fragrant.
3 ~ I don’t see it as an improvement over the parents ~ I would like to see fuller rounder form in its petals (like Phoenix Gem) to meet today’s novelty breeding trends, & although a nice sunset flower, it doesn’t stand out as something new & improved from plants in this type of breeding for the past 2-3 years.
4 ~ It very possibly could improve once it has put a few more leaves on it, gaining additional strength, & potentially a 3rd spike (typical for good novelty breeding) but I would still want to see a minimum of 4 flowers/buds per inflorescence with more rounded petals to be a potential award candidate at that point.
5 ~ The grower might consider potting it down to a smaller pot to match its root system, giving it a chance to recover, and should also make sure that the lowest leaf is not in the moss as this one appears to be.
Kristen Mason (Accredited Judge, Cincinnati Judging Center)
Nicely displayed on inflorescence; lip color and shape is nice, adds interest, color of sepals and petals is average - it feels like they are approaching sunset shades, but don't quite get there, not as vibrant or have the impact of either parent, both the awarded 2 and the other examples in general, flouriferousness is OK, slightly less than the geometric mean of the parents (2.68/infl), natural spread is slightly small, but width of dorsal and lateral sepals is slightly better than awarded parents; I miss the vibrancy and impact that the texture brings out in both awarded parents, substance is great, but expected from this type of flower; over all this is a nice flower that I would enjoy in my collection, but do not feel rises to the level of an award at this flowering.
David Edgley (Accredited Judge, Western Canada Judging Center)
Here is my evaluation of Phal Tai Goo
Three flowers on one inflorescence is a good flower count. We would always like to see more of course but given the species in the background three is pretty good. The color is bright and eye-catching. The concentric pattern is a bit weak and without much contrast. The petals are more lanceolate than round, and they are fairly narrow. I would have a hard time scoring above about 75 points.
Joe Bryson (Accredited Judge, Florida North-Central Judging Center)
My comments on the Phal Tai Goo are: I think the bilateral symmetry and overall form appear very good. The is pinching in the apices of the sepals that is also present on both parents, although not as much on the Phal. Phoenix Gem. My biggest concern is the color. The Phoenix Gem is a vibrant Red and the Brother Ambo Passion has a beautiful red overlay on a cream base that is also pleasing. This flower has a duller red overlay on a chartreuse base that for me doesn't play as well. I also think the presentation of the flowers on this plant is not as good as I would like to see. Based on the photos mostly on flower form and symmetry, I could score this as a low HCC.
Regards, Joe
Pamela Noll (Student Judge, Alamo Judging Center)
I liked the attractive bright yellow color overlaid with concentric magenta barring on basal half of petals and sepals radiating around the lip, the solid magenta column and relatively large lip add to pleasing appearance. The undulating petal margins on two or three flowers, likely carried forward from the Dottie Woodson grandparent, were a drawback for me. I would have liked the segments to be fuller, plumper, perhaps they lacked a bit in substance, but without seeing the flower in person, it’s kind of a guess. I did expect the flower and inflorescence count to be higher, more influence from the pollen parent Brother Ambo Passion. There is a slight cup to all segments too. I did a preliminary score because of the eye-catching color, but this flower did not quite make the low HCC mark.
Pamela Noll
Emily Quinn (Accredited Judge, Dallas Judging Center)
I would be looking at a low to moderate HCC. Love color and the shape. Prefer that to either of its parents.
Mary Mancini (Accredited Judge, Louisiana Judging Center)
Would score this. Color is phenomenal. Form is acceptable. Would give it an HCC of 78.
Al Messina (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Four nicely presented, sequential flowers and one bud on two previously bloomed inflorescences. Color is fine.
Dorsal sepals and several petals display non-desirable 'hooding', notable in early generations of Phal. amboinensis hybrids. Additionally, several petal margins are undesirably serrate marginally. Flowers might be awardable (perhaps a low HCC) on a subsequent bloom if defects are absent..
No award on this bloom.
Jan Takamiya (Associate Judge, Hawaii Judging Center)
Thank you for sharing this beautiful new hybrid! This appears to be the first bloom for this plant. Although the ns is slightly smaller than the mean, I anticipate that the flower size will increase as the plant & vegetative growth matures. Flower count and form appear good. I love the fine basal tessellations and gorgeous lip color shown in the close-up photos. The (art shade) color clarity of the sepals and petals appear subdued which in my opinion also impacts the contrast.
I can't help but compare the clarity and striking colors of earlier Phal hybrids with our candidate. I would nominate our candidate for further discussion and hope to learn about species traits in breeding from a Phal specialist. I scored a high HCC.
Andy Braun (Student judge, Atlanta Judging Center)
Phal Tai Goo
The parents created some interesting color shifts in this hybrid. The segments are fairly well balanced and I like the proportions. Love the color in the lip. The flower is somewhat cupped and there are some folding issues in the petals. The flower does appear to be fuller than the parents, but this could be from the cupping. Both parents are fairly flat and that is not evident in this flower. I would not nominate this for an award.
Andy ‘Bones’ Braun
Student Judge-Atlanta JC
Tom Mirenda (Accredited Judge, Hawaii Judging Center)
While certainly a very attractive hybrid with decent form, adequate size and nice coloration, this clone, while charming, doesn’t really possess any exceptional features.
Though a young plant, It seems to be reasonably floriferous and will likely improve in this regard with maturity. Some of the flowers on this specimen show fairly serious mechanical damage.
While a couple of flowers are still presentable and worthy of judging on this blooming, I don’t see this plant garnering much more than a low HCC. I think the plant has potential for more.
But would need a couple more years of cultivation to see that potential realized. I wouldn’t nominate, but if scored, would probably fall around 76 or 77 points.
Exhibitor - Bill and Deb Bodei, NJ (President of Deep Cut OS and Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Virtual Award Description
Four bright, eye-catching flowers and one bud held above the leaves on two staked inflorescences; sepals and petals ovate, acuminate, bright chartreuse overlaid fuchsia, concentrically barred proximally; dorsal sepal slightly hooded; lateral sepals inferior half overlaid deep fuchsia; lip porrect, white, midlobe trullate, suffused bright fuschia, side lobes incurved, suffused yellow; column overlaid fuschia, anther cap fuschia; substance hard; texture satiny.