Cymbidium Gala Odyssey
Week 79: Feb 22, 2022
Cymbidium Gala Odyssey
(Cym. Devon Gala x Cym. Devon Odyssey)

This week I would like to present Cymbidium Gala Odyssey (Cym. Devon Gala x Cym. Devon Odyssey).
Cymbidium Gala Odyssey was originated and registered by Mukoyama in 2010. Cym. Devon Gala was registered by Mukoyama in 2003 and this is the cross between Cym. Emma's Gala and Cym. devonianum. Cym. Devon Odyssey was registered by Glen. O. Acres in 1994 and this is the cross between Cym. devonianum and Cym. erythrostylum.
Cymbidium Gala Odyssey has several Cymbidium species in the background, however main species are Cym. devonianum - 50 %, Cym. erythrostylum - 25%, and Cym. sanderae - 15.63%.
Previous Awards:
There is no AOS awards for this cross. Surprisingly, I can't find any Australian Orchid Council (AOC) awards too.
There is no AOS awards for Cymbidium Devon Odyssey as well.
However, there's one AOS award for Cym. Devon Gala in 2009 - Cym. Devon Gala 'New Horizon' AM/AOS 88 pts, granted in Northeast Center Monthly Judging, New York, to Dick and Carol Doran. In award description stated 'a striking hybrid commended for excellent presentation and contrast of color. Ernest Hetherington Award Winner in 2009'.
The candidate plant has 21 flowers on one inflorescence and 18 buds on second inflorescence. Inflorescence is 36 cm long. Plant has 4 mature and one new growths and growing in 16 cm Cymbidium plastic pot.
Flower Measurements:
NS H - 6.5 cm; NS V - 6.1 cm;
Dorsal Sep. W - 2.0 cm; Dorsal Sep. L - 5.1 cm;
Petal W - 1.9 cm; Petals L - 4.0 cm;
Lat/Sepal W - 2.7 cm; Lat/Sepal L - 4.6 cm;
Lip/Pouch W - 2.2 cm; Lip/Pouch L - 3.5 cm.
Judges' Comments
Ginna Plude (Associate Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
This candidate has a nice, striking contrast between the lip and the other segments. It's very similar to Devon Gala in that regard. However, compared to that awarded parent I notice two things that would not be considered an improvement; spacing - the candidate flowers are somewhat crowded, and the dorsal sepal and petals have almost a Coelogyne look to them in how they hovering over the lip. If the flowers were more open that would make a big difference for me, but in the current form I would not nominate it.
Kristen Mason (Accredited Judge, Cincinnati Judging Center)
Nice pendant slightly crowded display, rich deep colored lip contrasts nicely with off white sepals and petals, lateral sepals are wide, low flower count, size is good, dorsal and petals are cupped. I would happily take this home and enjoy these flowers, I would not nominate this for a quality award on this flowering.
Al Messina (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Twenty one typically cupped, nicely contrasting, pretty flowers displayed on one pendant inflorescence, a second ,18 budded inflorescence on a well grown plant .Flowers not as good as parents but contrasting lip and sepals are a strong point. Genetically, this plant could produce more flowers, not on this bloom. The Australians have lived with this plant for 10 plus years and have not awarded it. I agree with them.
Deb Boersma (Student Judge, Great Lakes Judging Center)
Cymbidium Gala Odyssey
This is a very striking flower with the very dark maroon lip contrasting the white sepals and petals and it should put on a great display when it has more inflorescences and flowers. The form is improved when compared to the Devon Odyssey parent which appears to have very cupped small petals and it looks less cupped than the Devon Gala parent. It would have been nice to see wider fuller flower with slightly wider petals. It looks like the flower form is not consistent from flower to flower, some are more cupped than others and the arrangement on the inflorescence has some gaps. It is not as floriferous as the awarded Devon Gala with 39 flowers on 1 inflorescence and looking at OW the Devon Odyssey can be very floriferous. I think the flower has great potential but I would not nominate it for a quality award on this flowering.
Thanks Deb
Bob Winkley (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Thank you for providing a lovely and interesting candidate this go round. The contrast between the sepals/petals and lip is quite striking - certainly a lovely trait being potentially inherited from the Cym. Devon Gala parent if the cultivar used in the cross was either the cultivar 'New Horizon' or similar.
In terms of form, the overall flower is a bit cupped. While the sepals and lip are all pretty full for this line of breeding, the petals appear to be not as full in relation to sepals and are fairly porrect and slight twisted inward which contributes to the cupped form.
Color of the flowers is fine, though I would really like to see this flower in person to better grasp how the suffusion of color in the sepals actually appears.
Flower count is decent, though with Cym. devonianum so dominant in the background I would eventually like to see a greater number of flowers. Hopefully that will be the case once the plant is fully mature. The actual presentation of the flowers along the arched inflorescence is very attractive.
Given the cupped form and low flower count I think I would pass on nominating this plant. I think it has great potential, especially if the form improves on subsequent flowerings.
Bob W.
Deb Bodei (Associate Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Cymbidium Gala Odyssey
This is a young plant and we are looking at it for a flower award. Yes, this flower is an improvement on the parents. It is also stunning because of the almost solid deep burgundy of its lip right up to the margin (slight white on the very edge of the margin?). The color contrast against the creamy white petals and sepals, faintly flushed pink, is a perfect compliment.
The form is expected with some cupping given the parentage and looks to be more open than many with similar breeding. The petals seem to be more open than other crosses with parentage predominantly from devonianum and erythrostylum. Size is good, floriferousness is in range of expected and the arrangement of the inflorescence is also pleasing. The elegance the erythrostylum parent brings along with the deep color from devonianum deserves to be recognized.
I would nominate it for a flower award and expect a low AM. It could also be worthy of an AD since we have not seen results like this with the erythrostylum parent that I am aware of.
Thank you,
Trevor Yee (Accredited Judge, Australian Orchid Consul, Sydney, Australia)
A striking pendulous Cymbidium with a deep red velvety labellum contrasting the white floral segments. Cym. devonianum imparts the classic bold dark lip and this hybrid has a few doses of it too.
When assessing miniature type Cymbidiums - floriferousness is one of the main attributes. Depending on the size of the plant, we're looking for multiple spikes displayed around the plant that is presented in a uniform fashion - either pendulous or upright. My observation is that the number of spikes per mature pseudobulb is commensurate with the size of the plant.
Flower shape is a consideration, but the weighting will not be as high compared to the standard/intermediate types. Mini Cymbidium flowers tend to be cuppy and many do not open fully. Cym. erythrostylum is notorious for having forward pointing petals and I feel you can see this trait expressed in this candidate.
Overall - while I like the colour contrast, the shape is not up to the minimum for awardable mini Cymbidiums. I would also want to see more inflorescences based on what a good mini cymbidium is capable of.
Tom Mirenda (Accredited Judge, Hawaii Judging Center)
A lovely flower and presentation…the pendent inflorescences are so wonderful, especially on specimen plants with multiple spikes.
And this plant will be a real stunner when it matures more.
I don’t think the number of inflorescences is as important as the number of flowers per inflorescence.
But is still something to be considered for overall floriferousness.
This one, while very nice, falls short due to cuppy flowers (though typical for this type of breeding) and grainy coloration on sidelobes of lip.
I would say if it isn’t a groundbreaking color form….that it doesn’t quite warrant an award on this blooming.
That is not to say that it won’t be awardable as it matures….
It will likely be quite impressive if it proves to be a prolific bloomer in the future.
Sergey Skoropad (Associate Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Cymbidium Gala Odyssey.
(Cym. Devon Gala x Cym. Devon Odyssey)
Beautiful example of pendulous Cymbidium. This Cymbidium caught my attention because of striking contrast between white petals and sepals (slightly overlaid by pleasing cream-rose color) and deep maroon lip.
There are 2 major species in the background - Cym. devonianum (50%) which is miniature pendulous Cymbidium and Cym. erythrostylum (25%) which is standard Cymbidium producing upright or slightly arched inflorescences. Few other species as Cym. sanderae (15.63%) and Cym. insigne (4.69%) presented as well.
This Cymbidium falls into a category of intermediate Cym. (cross between miniature and standard Cym., by George Hatfield). Also, I would classify this Cymbidium as a Novelty Cymbidium.
My first presentation as a student was about Cym. devonianum and their hybrids. This Cym. capable of producing multiple spikes per bulb with up to 30 flowers per inflorescence. Plant can produce massive number of flowers. However, flowers don’t have a nice shape and usually have not very attractive purple/green/brown color. Flowers usually cupped.
Cym. erythrostylum normally produces 5 to 7 flowers per inflorescence. Rarely could be 10 flowers (example is our awarded clone ‘Strange Magic’ awarded in 2019 with 10 flowers). Flowers are white with the petals folding forward.
What we should expect when crossing these two totally different species? We shouldn’t expect anything exceptional.
However, result is fantastic!!!
I can see 21 beautifully arranged flowers (spaced good enough to see individual flowers) on one inflorescence, exceptional contrast between petals and sepals and lip. Shape is nice; slight cupping is pleasant and acceptable.
Compare to awarded parent Cym. Devon Gala ‘New Horizon’ AM/AOS 88 pts our candidate has larger flowers.
I would nominate Cym. Gala Odyssey for flower quality award and score 82-84 pts.
Mark Werther (Accredited Judge, Mid-Atlantic Judging Center)
Cymbidium Gala Odyssey
(Cym. Devon Gala x Cym. Devon Odyssey)
I have been following Dick Doran's exhibits for years and especially his Australian Dendrobiums and Cymbidiums. I was astounded when he presented an almost black pendant Cymbidium example at our last show.
The parents are some of my favorites with devonianum, parishii and erythrostylum. These seem to me to be strange bedfellows, but the Cym. Devon Gala proved that wrong with 88 points.
What am I basing my review upon. First my opinion is that devonianum is a bit of an unattractive flower without clear colors and the potential to go three ways: either very interesting colors, tans or mud. It's in a separate class as I have to shift gears as it is producing PENDANT NOVELTIES with generally densely flowered inflorescences. This is a class unto itself and cannot be compared to the upright miniatures. Now throw in the erythrostylum that could be a disaster with relatively low flower count and forward petals. Add parishii - a nice flower - that can help in shape, white purity and darkening of lip color with its lip spots. Both previous with limited size.
My first look at the Virtual picture inflorescence was very pleasing, especially the dynamic contrast of the totally maroon lip and the clear cream white sepals and petals. The Gala Odyssey flowers were evenly distributed and superior to the awarded Devon Gala and the petals were superior and not overlaid with central maroon lineage.
The typical response is that the flowers are crowded and there is some cupping at the petals. I realize this, but this is a good outcome and improvement for a pendant over many of the devonianum crosses that I have viewed.
I would place the award in the 83 - 85 range.
Mark Werther, Chair Mid-Atlantic JC.
David Off (Waldor Orchids, New Jersey)
Cymbidium Gala Odyssey
The segments of this cross typically have more pink, so the white flower on this plant is unique. Contrast against the deep lip is very attractive. Some cupping is typical of the parents, but also typical for the pendant form. The cupped flowers allow for a tighter and pleasing presentation in pendant forms. They do tend to display naturally that way. I could see this plant receiving a low AM (82-83 points). Commentary is based on being shown digital photos on a computer.
Dick Doran (Expert grower and resource, New Jersey)
Cymbidium Gala Odyssey (Cym. Devon Gala x Cym. Devon Odyssey)
This flower is awardable and I believe would receive an 82-83 AM, if scored. My own plant Cym. Devon Gala 'New Horizon' AM/AOS received 88 points and the Ernest Hetherington Award in 2009. This flower shows improvement over that parent and Cym. Devon Odyssey in this cross of the two with an even greater contrast between the lip against the creamy white of the other segments.
Exhibitor - Kim Feddersen - Fair Orchids, NJ
Virtual Award Description
Twenty-one flowers and eighteen buds well-spaced and nicely arranged on two pendulous inflorescences to 36 cm, on a plant growing in a 16-cm plastic cymbidium pot; sepals and petals lanceolate, white, proximally slightly flushed pink, dorsal sepal slightly hooded, petal stance slightly forward; lip cordate, deep rich burgundy; column white, slightly striated light burgundy, anther cap white; substance firm; texture waxy, lip velvety; recognized for color contrast of lip and the elegant pendulous arrangement of blooms on the inflorescence.
Grower's Advice
This is a 2nd year blooming, with two inflorescences (on opposing sides of the pot); it bloomed with a single inflorescence a year ago.
This plant was outside in full sun from April 25th through approx. November 20th in 2021. It is grown in a European style terrestrial mix:
3 parts cedar mulch
3 parts composted cow manure
1 part bark
1 part coarse perlite
When there is no rain, I water with a sprinkler up to 3 times a week (for 4-5 hours each time).
To support the full sunlight & heavy watering, I apply NutriCote (100 day release) in March, and fertilize with Peters 20:20:20 every 2 weeks (200 ppm in winter and 300 ppm in summer).
I am trying to breed on with this one. In 2021 all my Cymbidium pods failed, so no conclusions there. In 2022 I have used it only as a pollen parent, so I need to cross reference pods & breeding log to see whether it is fertile or not.