Rhyncattleanthe Nobile's Bruno Bruno
Week 74: Nov 29, 2021
Rhyncattleanthe Nobile's Bruno Bruno
(Cattlianthe Chocolate Drop x Rhyncholaeliocattleya George Suzuki)

New candidate for this week is a Rhyncattleanthe Nobile's Bruno Bruno 'Red' (Cattlianthe Chocolate Drop x Rhyncholaeliocattleya George Suzuki). Please note, that is not the same as cultival 'Big Red'!
Rhyncattleanthe Nobile's Bruno Bruno was originated and registered by S. Barani in 1999. This cross has many species in background, most important are C. guttata, Gur. aurantiaca, C. dowiana and many other.
Previous Awards:
There are 3 AOS awards for Rhyncattleanthe Nobile's Bruno Bruno. The most recent award was in March 2015, cultivar 'Big Red' AM/AOS 81 pts.
The candidate plant has 5 flowers on one 15 cm inflorescence plus four immature inflorescences.
Flower Measurements:
NS H - 11.4 cm; NS V - 12.3 cm;
Dorsal Sep. W - 2.5 cm; Dorsal Sep. L - 8.0 cm;
Petal W - 4.3 cm; Petals L - 7.3 cm;
Lat/Sepal W - 2.8 cm; Lat/Sepal L - 7.0 cm;
Lip/Pouch W - 4.0 cm; Lip/Pouch L - 6.3 cm.
Judges' Comments
Kristen Mason (Accredited Judge, Cincinnati Judging Center)
Large size, with good width to the segments, beautiful deep color although I miss the contrast of the yellow in the lip as seen in the awarded clones. I like the separation of the flowers on the inflorescence, but would like to see the flowers held higher above the plant as seen in the awarded clones. Flower count per inflorescence is low compared to previous awards. I like the shape of the petals, but the forward presentation is an issue. I do not like the shape or presentation of the dorsal sepal. Although nice, I would pass on this flowering. Plant looks to be in good condition, but not enough flowers are open to consider a cultural award.
Al Messina (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Five relatively large flowers with quite nice color on a very well-grown plant. Suboptimal flower count problematic (median count about 8). The exhibitor/photographer allows only one flower to be evaluated (?purposely?). This flower compares favorably with 'Big Red' (AM 81 pts 2015). However, what brief glimpses we are given of the remaining flowers appear to display moderate inconsistency in form which would result in down-pointing. Were all flowers consistent with the one presented, an AM of 80 could be rendered. The significant variation would cause me to pass on this bloom. But the exhibitor should not abandon all hope: The culture is good and the next bloom (and inclusive photography) might very well elicit a better verdict!
Elena Skoropad (Associate Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
There are 3 awards for this cross - 2 HCCs and 1 AM. Our candidate has wonderful very vivid red color of flowers and beautiful lip. The flower size is slightly larger than awarded. The candidate has 5 flowers on one inflorescence, awarded plants have from 6 to 9 flowers on one inflorescence. Our candidate has slightly cupped flowers and unfortunately there is no consistency between flowers. Also, I have a small problem with presentation of the flowers. I would not nominate this plant for flower quality award on the bloom. However, this plant has a great potential and I would like to see the next bloom. The grower did a good job, please bring it back when it blooms next time!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Deb Boersma (Student Judge, Great Lakes Judging Center)
Rhyncattleanthe Nobile’s Bruno Bruno
A beautiful flower with deep saturated color, dark lip and nice full form. I really like this flower; the lip is more tubular shaped and not as open as the ‘Big Red’ cultivar but I don’t think that this takes away from the beauty of the flower. The petals are slightly undulated but that seems typical for this cross when compared to the other awarded cultivars. The photos of our candidate show that there are some form issues, the petals and sepals appear to be somewhat cupped or falling forward and not as flat as would be desired however, it appears that the awarded cultivars have these same form issues. Our candidate is not as floriferous, 5 flowers compared to an average of 7.7 on one inflorescence for the awarded plants. It does have a larger natural spread of 11.4 x 12.3 cm compared to the awarded plants average of 10.5 x 11.7 cm and also has larger flower segments.
Flowers are well presented on the inflorescence but being that there are less flowers naturally they would be less crowded as the more floriferous plants.
Given the nice saturated colour, the flower size and that the form issues also appear in the other cultivars, I would nominate this for a quality award and would score it at an HCC 78-79. I would have scored an AM if it was more floriferous.
Sergey Skoropad (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Rhyncattleanthe Nobile’s Bruno Bruno.
I like vivid red color of the flowers, beautiful dark red lip. Flowers are slightly cupped; however this’s typical for this type of breeding.
Flower count a little low, compared to all three awarded clones (9, 8 and 6 flowers per inflorescence). However, flowers of our candidate are larger then all awarded.
If I look just on one flower from the first photo I definitely consider flower award. Unfortunately, looking at the other flowers, I found inconsistency in the flower shape. Also presentation is not the best, at least one flower looked down.
Flowers have great potential, however I wouldn’t nominate at this flowering. If someone nominate, I would score them at low to mid HCC range.
I’m wondering to see this plant when all four inflorescences will be in bloom. It should be spectacular!
Filippo Pilloni (Associate Judge, Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia, Bologna, Italy)
Ctt. Chocolate drop has an average of 10 flowers per stem (ranging from 3 to 20), approximately 7x8 cm in size.
The Rlc. George Suzuki has no awards, but produces 2-3 art-shade flowers per stem of about 12 cm NS. Now to our Rhyncattleanthe Nobile's Bruno Bruno 'Red'. Of the awards granted to the grex, we know that it can make anywhere from 6 to 9 flowers per stems with NS ranging between 10x9, 10x15 and 11x11 cm.
The specimen in question has 5 flowers on a 15 cm inflorescence and 4 immature inflorescences.
Open flowers measure NS H - 11.4 cm; NS V - 12.3 cm;
That said: evaluation.
Given the only open inflorescence of 5, I would not judge it, because I would prefer to wait until the remaining inflorescences are fully open in order to consider the plant for a cultivation award, and also the possibility of having a better inflorescence to be presented as a "typical inflorescence", since this one is a bit 'in the middle of the leaves and is penalized because of it.
But if I HAVE to evaluate:
The single flower is larger than the average for the grex, of excellent color; it is interesting that the trumpet formed by the closed lateral lobes give a detachment of color that highlights the central lobe. Unfortunately, I see some asymmetry in the lateral sepals and a twist in the dorsal. In some award-winning specimens, the lateral lobes are more open showing the pleasing pattern inside the lip. As an overall grade I would give it 77/78.
Alejandro Capriles (Accredited Judge, Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia, Bologna, Italy, retired AOS Judge)
Flowers of striking color but of average size and shape for the cross, presented on a plant with four other immature inflorescences. Personally I would prefer to see the plant again when the remaining stems are fully flowered since it would bring the plant up for a cultivation in addition to a quality award. I find the present stem shows the flowers almost at leaf-level, which doesn’t show them at their best. In my opinion, this cultivar is what you would expect from the cross and I’m not inclined to award it as presented. Again, I suggest the grower should wait until the remaining inflorescences are fully open, which will present the specimen in a completely different light.