Lycaste Macama
Week 69: Sep 20, 2021
Lycaste Macama
(Lyc. Sunrise x Lyc. Koolena)
New candidate for this week is Lycaste Macama 'Aline' (Lyc. Sunrise x Lyc. Koolena).
Lycaste Macama was originated and registered by famous A. F. Alcorn from Australia in 1977, who created several important Lycaste hybrids which became the foundation of modern Japanize Lycaste breeding program.
Although Lycaste Macama combined 3 Lycaste species: virginalis, cruenta and macrophylla, Lyc. virginalis dominated in this cross - 78%.
There are 35 immediate offspring from Lycaste Macama.
Previous Awards:
There are 4 AOS awards for this cross since 1981, the latest award - clone 'Radiance' received AM 81 pts in 1997. However, you can find in OrchidPro 10 AOC awards (Australian Orchid Consul).
4 flowers on four inflorescences up to 20 cm long, plus 3 upcoming immature buds. The plant grown in 18 cm plastic pot in bark mix with a few granules of larger sized perlite.
Flower Measurements:
NS H - 12.0 cm; NS V - 11.0 cm;
Dorsal Sep. W - 4.5 cm; Dorsal Sep. L - 6.0 cm;
Petal W - 3.5 cm; Petals L - 4.0 cm;
Lat/Sepal W - 4.5 cm; Lat/Sepal L - 6.0 cm;
Lip/Pouch W - 2.5 cm; Lip/Pouch L - 3.5 cm.
Judges' Comments
Phyllis Prestia (Accredited Judge, Pacific South Judging Center)
This is a lovely pastel flower with an appealing color pattern. Compared with other Macamas with a similar shape, the natural spreads and individual segments are similar in size to other high HCC or low AM examples, some a bit larger and some a bit smaller. Considering type and breeding, it has a goodly number of flowers and appears to be in prime condition with four open flowers and some still to come.
Measurements and flower count place it in the range for an award. The recurving of the segments would suggest to me that an AM would be out of reach. I would normally pass this up, however I would suggest an HCC as this is an interesting color pattern not yet reflected in the record.
Al Messina (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Four pretty, nicely formed, rather small flowers well-held on four erect, partially staked inflorescences and (we are told) three immature inflorescences present a lovely display. While size is one of multiple criteria, it is, indeed, a major criterion. If we include AOC awards, this candidate's size would be at the international median natural spread (horizontal) of 12.0 cm and could qualify for an international flower quality award, perhaps a mid level HCC. But we are judging in the USA and should use AOS judging criteria. Median horizontal natural spread of the four AOS awards is 13.5 cm, considerably larger overall. This size disparity tends to dissuade some judges from rendering an award. Many times I would agree with this decision. In this case I would think an HCC could be given with recommendation to the grower to return on subsequent bloom when he/she/they could 'pump up the volume' by careful, udicious watering.
Deb Boersma (Student Judge, Great Lakes Judging Center)
Lycaste Macama
I like the soft pink colouration of this cultivar with the white lip and the yellow on the interior of the lip, the flower has a very delicate look about it. Overall, the flower form looks pretty good, it has a full appearance with the wide sepals, the dorsal sepal is slightly recurved but not as much as some of the other awarded cultivars. The lip is a little unsymmetrical, slightly skewed to one side. It is in range as far as floriferousness is concerned but the flower size is below average for natural spread and the for individual flower segments. I really like this flower and I would nominate it for a quality award if the lip had better form and the flower was a little bigger. I would pass on award nomination.
Sergey Skoropad (Associate Judging, Northeast Judging Center)
Lycaste Macama.
Several years ago I made research on Modern Japanese Lycaste breeding and created over 90 pages of PowerPoint presentation which I presented at MidAtlantic JC (Philadelphia, PA).
As I mentioned in my presentation, in 1970s important line of breeding came from Australia and was created by Fred Alcorn. Three the most influential hybrids were created in Australia: Lyc. Shoalhaven (Auburn x skinneri), Lyc. Koolena (Shoalhaven x skinneri) and Lyc. Macama (Sunrise x Koolena). These were fantastic hybrids, produced some of the finest varieties of the day. Lyc. Macama was of significance since it increased the sepal width to form very full shape flowers.
I really appreciate that James Rose from CalOrchid, CA, spent time with me and explained all history of modern Lycaste breeding.
Back to our candidate.
When I compare flowers of our candidate to the four AOS awarded plants in 1980s and 1990s I can see than candidate has slightly smaller flowers.
However, awarded clones are not as full as our candidate.
At that time AOS prefers to award any Lycaste flowers with red tones and large size.
I prefer to see better form, full shape, rather than just a large flower. Regarding the color, I’m personally like soft pastel color of our candidate.
Although, Lycastes potentially can produce much more flowers, I think 4 flowers are more than enough!
You will be surprised to see how many FCC awards have been granted to Lycastes with just one flower!
My opinion: shape, especially fullness of the sepals is very good; color is charming; number of the flowers is very good.
I would nominate for flower quality award and score 82-84 pts AM.
Filippo Pilloni (Associate Judge, Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia, Bologna, Italy)
The color is very delicate and interesting, the shape is better than that of the parents but owes a little for the cupped closure to the Lyc. cruenta. It could be much more floriferous. All things considered, according to our system, 81. Had it flowered much more profusely, even 83-84 points.
Osvaldo Rozzo (Associate Judge, Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia, Bologna, Italy)
Delightful light pink color, very broad segments, well-spread sepals. The contrast of the white petals on the outside, more intense pink on the inside and the yellow throat of the lip is very delicate and attractive. I’m very struck by the symmetry and general shape of the flower, characteristics that are sometimes lacking in Lycaste. I would have liked more flowers. I would give it 82 points.
Stefano Bioni (Associate Judge, Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia, Bologna, Italy)
Lycaste Macama 'Aline' has a more intense color than the average of the grex, the pink nuance of the sepals is very interesting, taking into consideration the second photograph of the flower you can appreciate a good roundness of the sepals but an asymmetrical lip while in the third photograph we have segments narrower but more centered, the flower arrangement could be more orderly and the number of flowers could be greater. I vote 78 points.
Alejandro Capriles (Accredited Judge, Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia, Bologna, Italy, retired AOS Judge):
Very pleasing, delicate coloration. Size and shape within standards for the grex. The number of flowers could be considerably more generous taking the lineage into account, but the proportions, the balance and the beautiful pink suffusion on the white sepals render this cultivar worthy of consideration. I would grant it 80 points, only because the number of flowers is so low.
Deborah Bodei (Associate Judging, Northeast Judging Center)
Lycaste Macama 'Aline' (Lyc. Sunrise x Lyc. Koolena)
Aside from the one bloom that is shy and facing towards the back of the plant behind the other three blooms, the presentation is quite charming. The number of blooms is good at four with 3 buds still coming along. Size is on par with recently awarded and awards of this particular cross.
Form is full, slightly cupped and sepals nicely rounded. The petal and lip form are not exactly consistent from flower to flower, but neither are many other recent awards. There is one very nice symmetric bloom among them. I find the soft flush of blush color in the sepals quite attractive and further enhanced by the appealing yellow contrast in the lip.
I compared this candidate to the recently awarded Lycaste Abou Sunset ‘Goodstuff’ with an AM 81 pts in March 2020. The flowers have a similar % of the virginalis parent in the background and I found the flowers to be comparable in quality even though the color is different. I personally prefer the coloring of our candidate.
I would nominate this plant for a flower award and expect it to reach an AM.
Thank you,
Exhibitor - Trevor Yee, Australia (Accredited Judge, Australian Orchid Consul)
Virtual Award Description
Four full, round flowers charmingly presented on four staked inflorescences, and three immature inflorescences, emerging basally from pseudobulbs, framed by arched plicate leaves, growing on a plant in an 18-cm plastic pot in bark mix; sepals and petals ivory, flushed warm pink proximally, sepals ovate, apices acuminate, distal margins slightly reflexed, petals porrect and reflexed at apices, partially overlapped above column; lip trilobed, ivory, midlobe margins ruffled, reflexed apically, side lobes upright, overlaid yellow, callus yellow; column and anther cap cream; substance hard; texture waxy.
Grower's Advice
Lycaste Macama is a great orchid (despite being around since the mid 1970's), not only for its current potential show bench quality but also its importance in the history of Lycaste breeding. The purpose of putting this orchid forward for Virtual Judging was to encourage Judges to do some research into its breeding so that modern Lycastes can be appreciated better. It's not too often good quality Lycaste's are presented for award consideration.
The award assessment is fair in my view. If all the open flowers were consistent and facing the same direction, I believe an AM would be feasible.
This plant is grown in Sydney's temperate climate under cover through the year. In winter it gets some warmth in a hothouse (as we do get some frosty nights). Keeping the leaves pristine is always a challenge.
Best Regards, Trevor Yee