Paphiopedilum (Turangi Valley x Pacific Shamrock)

Paphiopedilum (Turangi Valley 

x Pacific Shamrock)

Paphiopedilum (Turangi Valley x Pacific Shamrock) is unregistered cross.

Paphiopedilum Turangi Valley has been originated by B. Fraser and registered by Woodstream in 2008.

Paphiopedilum Pacific Shamrock has been originated and registered by Orchid Zone (Terry Root) in 1998.

Previous Awards:

There are no AOS awards for this cross.

There are no AOS awards for Paphiopedilum Turangi Valley.

There are 10 AOS awards for Paphiopedilum Pacific Shamrock, including 1 FCC and 1 CCE.


Our candidate has two flowers on two up to 21-cm staked inflorescences

Flower Measurements:

NS H - 13.2 cm;                   NS V - 10.7 cm;

Dorsal Sep. W - 8.7 cm;    Dorsal Sep. L - 7.0 cm;

Petal W - 5.0 cm;               Petals L - 7.2 cm;

Lat/Synsepal W - 6.0 cm; Lat/Synsepal L - 6.9 cm;

Lip/Pouch W - 2.8 cm;      Lip/Pouch L - 7.0 cm.


Plant has been nominated for flower award and scored 78 pts Highly Commended Certificate

Virtual Award Description

Two flowers on two staked inflorescences up to 21-cm; sepals chartreuse veined green; dorsal sepal broadly caudate, central small burgundy spots coalesced to faint stripes, white picotee margin; synsepal orbicular; petals elliptic, yellow-green, midline burgundy stripe, margins undulate; pouch golden yellow veined light green; staminode golden yellow; substance firm; texture waxy.