Liparis grossa

Week 76: Jan 10, 2022

Liparis grossa

New candidate for this week is Liparis grossa.

Liparis grossa (Bateman ex Lindl.) Rchb.f., 1883 is accepted species by WCSP, Kew. This species is native to Myanmar, E. & S. Taiwan to Philippines. This species grow on trees on broad leaved forest slopes at elevations around 300 to 500 meters and prefer hot and wet conditions.

Previous Awards:

There are 3 AOS awards for Liparis grossa - CBR in 1995, AM 83 pts in 2016 and CCE 91 pts in 2018.


Liparis grossa has 485 flowers and 57 buds on 17 inflorescences (15 mature and 2 still developing inflorescences). The longest inflorescence is 23 cm long, most are 17 cm long. Plant is growing in an 8" (20 cm) plastic bulb pan.

Flower Measurements:

NS H - 0.5 cm; NS V - 0.8 cm;

Dorsal Sep. W - 0.2 cm; Dorsal Sep. L - 0.4 cm;

Petal W - 0.1 cm; Petals L - 0.4 cm;

Lat/Sepal W - 0.2 cm; Lat/Sepal L - 0.4 cm;

Lip/Pouch W - 0.3 cm; Lip/Pouch L - 0.6 cm.

Judges' Comments

Al Messina (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Approximately 550 flowers and buds,17 inflorescences (2 immature) on a clean, well grown, robust plant. The species was originally described by Reichenbach in 1883 and named for its "compact and robust growth habit" (Cootes 2011 p176). This plant is doing just what it is supposed to do, and quite well. While prior cultural awards might, perhaps, have been over-pointed, this plant should qualify for a cultural award, perhaps 82-83 points.

Note: The Mario Ferrusi clone appears to be latifolia and not grossa. It received a flower award and no SITF confirmation was needed.

Deb Boersma (Student Judge, Great Lakes Judging Center)

Liparis grossa

This one was difficult for me as I am not familiar with the genera and the flowers are so very tiny. I am glad that Al Messina clarified that the ‘Memoria Mario Ferrusi’ was not Liparis gossa but Liparis latifolia because when I first looked at the awards I wondered why that flower looked so different than the others. I guess I should have known there was an issue.

The plant looks well grown and with 485 flowers, 57 buds on 17 inflorescence in a 8 inch bulb pan and the inflorescence appear to be fairly well positioned all around the plant. There are a few damaged and spotted leaves and it looks like the plant could have been groomed a bit. Overall the size of the plant looks comparable to the CCE awarded plant although we do not have measurements for our candidate. The condition looks good. In terms of floriferousness it is comparable to the CCE awarded and the CBR and much more floriferous than the Liparis rizalensis with 65 flowers. It is difficult to see the flowers but they look as though they are in good condition and bot past their prime.

I would consider this plant for a cultural award and score it at a mid CCM, perhaps higher had the leaves been pristine.

In terms of flower quality. The form looks typical of the species when compared to other awards and photos of the species. The detached flower looks symmetrical and the size of the flower is comparable perhaps slightly bigger. The arrangement of the flowers on the inflorescence does not look as uniform as the CCE awarded plant. The color is described as burnt orange sepals, petals and lip column and anther cap green in the CCE description and don’t see as much color in the candidate flower, color appears to be a little drab, not as vibrant. However, considering everything I would be willing to nominate for a quality award and would score 76-77 points. Really like to hear what the accredited judges have to say.


Joseph Maciaszek (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

The candidate plant Liparis grossa is a well grown plant with nicely presented inflorescences, but like others of this species has small, and not well shaped flowers. The inflorescences also do not appear to be very floriferous, so I don’t believe the plant on this flowering would be a candidate for flower quality award. The candidate plant seems to be roughly the same size plant as a CCE 91 point ‘Whisper’s Gift’, but the candidate has a couple more inflorescences. The inflorescences on this particular cultivar have much fewer flowers then the awarded ‘Whisper’s Gift’ which is unfortunate. On the plus side the candidate appears to a very well grown large plant with exceptionally clean foliage. I would nominate the candidate, when I add up the points it would get a low CCM of about 82 points. The main reason it didn’t point higher is because the inflorescences appear to have slightly more than half the flowers as ‘Whisper’s Gift’.

Jean Ikeson (Accredited Judge, Toronto Judging Center)

Nicely grown and well-bloomed plant. Flower and bud count less than previous recent awards. Flower size in line with previous awards except for 'Memoria Mario Ferrusi' that is much larger (its grower is an outstanding grower with many cultural awards--so is this a result of culture or is it something else besides grossa?). The two recent awards do not appear (in the description) to have been sent to SITF. Color appears to be more yellow than burnt orange on the plant for this week in all of the photos except for the closeup by a ruler.. This illustrates the need for ALL awards to Cultural Awards to have a CLOSEUP photo of the flower in case there is a question about the identification and at least a photo of the entire inflorescence to make it easier to compare to previous awards.

At first I thought it might be worthy of a CHM for the apparent yellow color of the flower until I saw the closeup. Perhaps it is just a paler version of burnt orange rather than a color distinct from previous awards.

I would not nominate it.

Jean Allen-Ikeson

Stefano Bioni (Associate Judge, Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia, Bologna, Italy)

The plant has an average of 32 flowers per inflorescence, which corresponds to about half of the flowers present on the stems of the plants previously awarded. The plant can have many more flowers per inflorescence, the color could be more intense and the single flower could be much larger. I would not judge it.

Filippo Pilloni (Associate Judge, Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia, Bologna, Italy)

If the flowers are counted correctly, the plant has an average of 36 flowers per inflorescence (I only counted the adult ones and not the 2 in development), which makes it well below average compared to the high awarded ones (62. / 62.9 / 96.8 / 65) with potted plants of the same size as this one (20 cm).

The flower has no noteworthy traits for shape or color. I don't think the plant can be judged.

Alejandro Capriles (Accredited Judge, Società Felsinea di Orchidofilia, Bologna, Italy, retired AOS Judge)

I agree with my colleagues in that the number of flowers per stem is certainly below the average for the species; however, taking into consideration the comments from Al Messina stating that, for him, this species is not Liparis grossa but rather Liparis latifolia, then the number of flowers per stem would be in check with the species. Nevertheless, since it was shown as L. grossa, I must evaluate is as presented, in which case, the plant is not acceptable for judging - not even for a CBR since the species has already received one.

Trevor Yee (Accredited Judge, Australian Orchid Consul, Sydney, Australia)

Most of the mass flowered orchids derive their appeal when grown into large specimens. The initial visual impact is the most important aspect in my opinion especially considering the genera of orchid being previewed. Many of the Liparis' I've come across exhibit a notoriously distinctive fragrance but perhaps fragrance is the wrong word. I would be interested to know if the grower can note it's aromatic characteristics in their cultural notes.

I feel this candidate is a typical flowering (though the colour of L. grossa should be a more intense browish/orange) and floriferousness is average for the plant size. I don't feel it's worthy of a cultural award on this flowering. Cudos to the owner for excellent plant culture with clean pseudobulbs and virtually unblemished leaves.

Sergey Skoropad (Associate Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Liparis grossa.

It’s always nice to see floriferous plant. Liparis grossa normally produced a lot of inflorescences with many small flowers on a compact plant.

485 flowers and 57 buds on 15 inflorescences (plus 2 immature inflorescences), on very clean, well grown plant. Compare to a few awards in OrchidPro our candidate has low flower count per inflorescence (37 flowers and buds per inflorescence), however clone ‘Whisper’s Gift’ CCE 91 pts has 62 flowers and buds per inflorescence).

Consider very pleasing presentation, clean leaves and much more open flowers then buds on a compact plant, I will consider cultural award (CCM 81-82 pts).



Deb Bodei (Associate Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Liparis grossa


The plant is nicely grown with very clean foliage. It's a very attractive plant that makes a beautiful presentation. I am looking at it for a possible cultural award. At first I was considering a CHM for a unique yellow color, but the close up photo is showing an orange color similar to the others awarded. I am guessing it may be due to the photo being a little overexposed or just looks that way because of the bright blue background.

The number of flowers per inflorescence is half the amount of flowers compared to the other awarded even if we count fifteen inflorescences and dismiss the two developing inflorescences. However, the only two other culture awards we are comparing this plant to be a very high CCM and CCE. One plant has the inflorescence lengths recorded at each one at least 3cm longer than our candidate and would naturally result in a higher flower count overall.


I think the plant is still a contender for a lower scoring CCM awarded to the grower and would nominate it for its overall pleasing appearance, arrangement and good culture.

Thank you,


Exhibitor - Daryl Yerdon, NH

Virtual Award Description

Four hundred and eighty five flowers and 57 buds on 15 erect, mature inflorescences to 23cm, plus two immature inflorescences; on a well grown, caespitose plant in a 20-cm plastic pot in bark; leaves medium green; pseudobulbs round; sepals, petals and lip burnt orange; sepals oblong, reflexed; petals narrow lanceolate, reflexed; lip bifurcate, reflexed; column chartreuse; anther cap yellow green; substance firm; texture matte.

Grower's Advice

I have had this plant for at least seven years. According to the tag it was repotted in 2014, 2016, 2019 and 2021. Very few of my orchids are duplicates but I do have two of these. They have beautiful plump round pseudobulbs and short but thick green leaves making it look nice even when not in bloom.

I grow this in a media of Power size Orchiata mixed with about 10% coarse sponge rock. It gets good light located in the front of my NH greenhouse in the cold months and goes outdoors under a 50% shade cloth for the warm months.

I typically water my orchids once a week and fertilize every three weeks. In the winter months I use a mixture of K-Lite and KelpMax. In the summer months when they are outdoors I use Neptune’s Harvest Fish and Seaweed Fertilizer with KelpMax. Using Neptune’s Harvest during the growing season was recommended to me many years ago by an expert grower/orchid vendor. Since doing so I’ve noticed significantly better growth and healthier plants than I had when using a “chemical” fertilizer year-round.