Chysis Peachy Keen

Chysis Peachy Keen

(Maritza Bielecki x limminghei)

Chysis Peachy Keen (Maritza Bielecki x limminghei).

Chysis (Maritza Bielecki x limminghei) was unregistered cross at the time of judging.

Chysis Peachy Keen was originated and registered by Carter & Holmes in May 28, 2024.

Chysis Maritza Bielencki was originated and registered by Carter & Holmes in 2011. Chysis Maritza Bielencki is a cross between Chysis Langleyensis and Chysis limminghei. Chysis Langleyensis is a very old cross originated by Veitch in 1896.

Chysis (Maritza Bielecki  x limminghei) has only 3 Chysis species in the background: Chysis limminghei, Chysis bractescens and Chysis laevis.

Previous Awards:

There are no AOS awards for this cross at the time of judging.

There are 17 AOS award for Chysis Maritza Bielencki, including multiple flower and cultural awards, recent one in May 20, 2023

There are 5 AOS award for Chysis limminghei, recent one in Dec. 10, 2022.


The candidate has 52 flowers and 14 buds on 15 inflorescences up to 21-cm length. Plant growing in 20 cm octagonal plactic net basket in moss and has 6 bulbs with leaves, 7 leafless bulbs and 12 new growth. plant is 117 cm wide by 40 cm tall. Substance heavy; texture waxy.

Flower Measurements:

NS H - 5.5 cm;                   NS V - 5.0 cm;

Dorsal Sep. W - 1.8 cm;    Dorsal Sep. L - 2.8 cm;

Petal W - 1.6 cm;               Petals L - 2.8 cm;

Lat/Sepal W - 2.1 cm;       Lat/Sepal L - 2.8 cm;

Lip/Pouch W - 1.6 cm;     Lip/Pouch L - 2.3 cm.

Exhibitor - David and Joan Rosenfeld, NJ

Plant has been nominated for flower and cultural awards and scored 83 pts Award of Merit and 88 pts of Cultural Merit

Virtual Award Description

A dramatic eye-catching display of fifty-two full flowers and fourteen buds well displayed on fifteen arching inflorescences up to 21-cm, presented on a pristine and robust plant, 117-cm wide and 40-cm tall in a 20-cm octagonal plastic basket in sphagnum moss; sepals and petals slightly cupped, cream, overlaid lavender on distal half, margins white; lip trilobed, cream, midlobe striped fuchsia, side lobes yellow; column and anther cap cream; substance heavy; texture waxy.