Vanda Kultana New Release

Vanda Kultana New Release

(Vanda Medasand

Vanda Fuchs Spotted Orange)

Vanda Kultana New Release 'Maui' (V. Medasand x V. Fuchs Spotted Orange).

This cross was originated and registered by Kultana in 2012 and has synonym genus name Ascocenda. This cross has several Vanda species in the background, most important are V. sanderiana 53.13% and V. curvifolia 31.25%.

Previous Awards:

There is no AOS awards for this cross. 

I believe that this cross has been awarded outside of US but no record in OrchidPro.

There is one AOS award on V. Fuchs Spotted Orange and 17 AOS awards on V. Medasand!


The candidate has 14 flowers on one upright 42-cm inflorescence. Plant flowered a few times before.

Flower Measurements:

NS H - 7.0 cm;                   NS V - 7.0 cm;

Dorsal Sep. W - 3.3 cm;    Dorsal Sep. L - 3.5 cm;

Petal W - 3.0 cm;               Petals L - 3.5 cm;

Lat/Sepal W - 3.6 cm; Lat/Sepal L - 3.2 cm;

Lip/Pouch W - 1.2 cm;     Lip/Pouch L - 1.9 cm

Exhibitor - Deb and Bill Bodei (Deep Cut Orchid Society, NJ)

Plant has been nominated for flower award and scored 82 pts Award of Merit

Virtual Award Description

Fourteen full, flat, brightly colored flowers on one 42.0-cm upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal widely elliptic, brick orange, spotted and tessellated red; lateral sepals widely obovate, brick orange, spotted and tessellated red; petals widely obovate, brick orange, centraly spotted red; lip porrect, keeled, midlobe brick orange, red stripes, side lobes cream, light orange centrally, column orange, anther cap tan; substance firm; texture mate.