Telipogon astroglossus

Telipogon astroglossus

Telipogon astroglossus, Rchb.f., 1854 is accepted species by Plants of the World Online, Kew. 

The native range of this species is Ecuador to Central Peru. It is an epiphyte and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.

Candidate plant match a specimen from Kew's Herbarium and pictures posted on Orchid Species website

Previous Awards:

There is no AOS awards for this species - Telipogon astroglossus is not yet recognized by AOS.


Telipogon astroglossus has 5 flowers and 4 buds on two sequential blooming 5-cm inflorescences. Flowers are resupinate. Plant is growing mounted on bark cork 4 cm x 6 cm with a little moss around the roots. Plant size is 5 cm wide by 4 cm tall and has 4 growths, leaves lanceolate up to 0.4 cm x 3.4 cm.

Flower Measurements:

NS H - 1.0 cm;                    NS V -1.0 cm;

Dorsal Sep. W - 0.3 cm;    Dorsal Sep. L - 0.4 cm;

Petal W - 0.3 cm;               Petals L - 0.4 cm;

Lat/Synsepal W - 0.3 cm; Lat/Synsepal L - 0.4 cm;

Lip/Pouch W - 0.4 cm;      Lip/Pouch L - 0.6 cm.

Exhibitor - John Sullivan, NJ (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Plant has been nominated for CHM (botanical award) and scored 83 pts (Certificate of Horticultural Merit)

Virtual Award Description

Five charming resupinate flowers and four buds on two, racemose, indeterminate, sericeous, arched inflorescences to 5 cm, on an established four-growth plant on a 6-cm by 4-cm cork mount, sphagnum covering roots; leaves equitant, lanceolate to 3.4 cm; sepals lanceolate, citron, margins and central vein maroon; petals ovate, citron, margins maroon; lip deltate, vine-red, central callus pubescent, deeper wine-red; column compressed, pollinia porrect, stigma exposed, caespitose, basally, anther cup wine-red; substance medium; texture crystalline; recognized as a charming miniature species disting from previously awarded species in the genus.

Telipogon astroglossus 'Fiona' received an AOS award CHM/AOS (84 points) at the Northeast Center Monthly Judging (Englewood, NJ) in July 15, 2023.

SITF confirms this plant is Telipogon astroglossus (Aug 2023)