Bulbophyllum Cherial A. Foxall

Week 30: Oct 19, 2020

Bulbophyllum Cherial A. Foxall

(Bulb. rothschildianum x Bulb. Witch Anna)


I would like to present new candidate - Bulbophyllum Cherial A. Foxall (Bulb. rothschildianum x Bulb. Witch Anna).

This time judging exercise will be not so simple:

  • brand new hybrid, registered in May 2019 (one of the parents - Bulb. Witch Anna, registered in 2019 too);

  • combined 4 bulbophyllum species: rothschildianum, annandalei, appendiculatum, bicolor;

  • there’s no AOS awards on this cross.

So, you can’t just simply compare current candidate to awarded plants!

But you can find in OrchidPro number of awards on species: Bulb. rothschildianum received 32 awards; annandalei - 13 awards; appendiculatum - just 1 award (CHM from 2006), bicolor - 12 awards.


17 flowers and buds on 4 inflorescences (6 flowers, 5 flowers, 4 buds and 2 partially open flowers respectively)

The plant is growing in Fernwood tree fern and just up-potted recently.

Flower Measurements:

NS H - 2.0 cm; NS V - 8.5 cm;

Dorsal Sep. W - 0.8 cm; Dorsal Sep. L - 2.0 cm, (includes tassel length);

Petal W - 0.6 cm; Petals L - 1.0 cm, (includes tassel length);

Lat/Sepal W - 1.0 cm; Lat/Sepal L - 6.5 cm;

Lip/Pouch W - 0.6 cm; Lip/Pouch L - 1.0 cm.

Judges' Comments

Tom Mirenda (Accredited Judge, Hawaii Judging Center)

A promising complex hybrid of a cirrhopetalum-type bulbophyllum

Based on the parentage, I would expect more flowers per inflorescence

And possibly a better arrangement and conformation of flowers.

One of the flowers is formed quite differently from the others….as the lateral sepals aren’t fused like the others

I would also hope for a more vibrant patterned or ‘clearer’ coloration that might show on other clones of the same grex

Since there are no other AOS awards for this grex, I am reluctant to suggest an award to this particular clone.

As I suspect there will be other, nicer results from this exciting cross.

Al Messina (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Seventeen flowers and buds on four inflorescences growing on a complex hybrid with rothschildianum as one parent.

The proximal portions of the open flowers are fairly well-formed, colored and arranged, albeit slightly suboptimal in flower count relative to the roth parent.

The distal half of almost every flower is very inconsistent in form, varying from fused to wide spreading of the sepals creating a quite displeasing, slightly haphazard presentation to this observer.

Considering the candidate's heritage, one wonders what was the hybridizer's purpose in creating this cross: appendiculatum is a solitary flower which would seriously diminish the flower count; bicolor would likely separate the very important lateral sepals.With such heritage one could only expect a mosaic appearance,which is what is currently displayed.

I will pass on this cross but, considering the good culture of the exhibitor and the relative vigor of the plant, a cultural award in a few years is likely.

Thanks for allowing me to participate.

Kristen Mason (Accredited Judge, Cincinnati Judging Center)

Beautifully grown plant

I like the depth of color in the lip, the color of the tassels on the dorsal and the markings on the tip of the dorsal.

The flowers are crowded on the inflorescence, especially when compared to the parents/species.

The petal presentation is problematic especially when compared to the awarded species

The markings, color and size are average

Flowers per inflorescence are reduced when compared to the parents/species.

While beautiful, I do not feel that these flowers are an improvement over the awarded parents/species and would pass on pointing and awarding.

Bill Thoms (bulbophyllums.com)

Hi Folks, here are my 2 cents' worth -

The plant has potential, but not at this flowering. It has too much variation among the flowers now, but this form of breeding is quite variable depending on plant size and vigor, moisture consistency, light levels, etc. I have had many awarded clones throw poor-quality blooms when stressed by any or all of the above. The more flowers you have, the greater latitude for lack of similarity. Conversely, the less you have, the more similar they need to be.

I am working on a PowerPoint right now addressing this very issue, which will be available soon and works well as a Zoom meeting (if you are interested).

The topic covers genetic influences of the various species and their effects on judging. Also, how do you judge them?

I give you one hint with the original print of Bulb. rothschildianum from The Gardener's Chronicle of 1895.

Hope this helps.

Trevor Yee (Accredited Judge, AOC, Australia)

This week's candidate has the hallmarks of B. rothschildianum in large doses (well at least 50%). Other attributes I can make out are perhaps appendiculatum contributing to the deep crimson red lip, while the shape of the petals and the dorsal with its raised hairs are reminiscent of rothschildianum and annandalei. Bicolor & annandalei could have contributed to the overall orange shading from their yellow colouration overlayed on the red rothschildianum.

For an award nomination - I would like to see a much larger specimen with many more fully open inflorescences. I'm sure in time when grown to its full potential will we be able to appreciate this hybrid.


Bob Winkley (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Hi Sergey -

Thank you for sending this current candidate.

There are a number of attractive traits on display. The coloration of the flowers is very reminiscent of Bulb. bicolor and the flower count is decent given the parentage. The challenge we are faced with is that Bulb. rothschildianum is one of the parents and the candidate doesn't measure up to that regal parent. In addition, there is a good deal of variation from flower to flower in terms of coloration/markings and conformation, especially in the lateral sepals. Based on all of this I would be inclined to pass on this flowering. If there were improvements in a subsequent flowering in terms of consistency of flower shape and coloration I might be inclined to consider a flower quality award.

All the best -

Bob W.

Mark Werther (Accredited Judge, Mid-Atlantic Judging Center)

Bulbophyllum Cherial A. Foxall (Bulb. rothschildianum x Bulb. Witch Anna). Combined 4 bulbophyllum species: rothschildianum, annandalei, appendiculatum, bicolor.

Several M. O.'s come to mind with this candidate.

Comparison and experience being the most important. I am looking at the impressive stats on straight Roth - the number of flowering (as they are called) pseudo-umbels, the red tones of the flowers, and the size and fullness of the plants previously awarded. Then 1969's Stuart Low hybrid of Roth and longissimum ='s Elizabeth Ann that became the standard for this type of breeding.

Although I have not grown Elizabeth Ann, I have see them in shows and on show tables for thirty years. Growers seem to love this plant and why not based on the total package. How did it get to have the impressive vertical measurements? Obviously the longissimum allows for size without damping color.

It is fine to experiment with other species as at times gems emerge. But not in this case.

Mark Werther

Carrie Buchman (Associate Judge, Northeast Judging Center)

Bulbophyllum Cherial A. Foxall

An attractive complex hybrid that is a hodgepodge of genetic material; though not surprising that is bears a strong resemblance to Bulbophyllum rothschildianum 'Windy Hill' AN/AOS since rothschildianum is an immediate parent.

The question is “is it an improvement on its parents?” Difficult to assess since the Bulbophyllum Witch Anna parent has never been awarded, though pictures on Orchid Roots (non-vetted) shows flowers with non-fused lateral sepals. The candidate plant also has at least one instance of non-fused lateral sepals while the remainder of the flowers do have fused sepals. The twist into the fusion also have slight variations from flower to flower. These inconsistencies are not desirable.

The color markings on the dorsal and petals are distinct and clear. I would prefer to see the petals more orthogonal, but the forward projection is not overt and does not detract significantly from the aesthetic appeal of the flower. The raspberry pink lip is eye catching and makes me think of KISS!

The inconstancies in the flowers are enough for me to not nominate this plant for a flower award, which is not to say that it could not be awarded on a future flowering.

Kind Regards,

Carrie Buchman

Sergey Skoropad (Associate Judge, Mid-Atlantic Judging Center)

Bulbophyllum Cherial A. Foxall (Bulb. rothschildianum x Bulb. Witch Anna).

This’s complex cross combined 4 bulbophyllum species: rothschildianum, annandalei, appendiculatum, bicolor.

Very interesting combination of the species: Bulb. rothschildianum and Bulb. bicolor actually totally different on lateral petals presentation: rothschildianum keep them together but bicolor keep them open. Interesting what was the goal to creat this cross!

Maybe that’s why flowers not perfectly consistent in shape. Compare to Bulb. rothschildianum and Bulb. bicolor I like presentation of the flowers better on these species.

I believe, when plant grow up larger, we can see different presentation (or even maybe at just next flowering). I would love to see next bloom, maybe they will be different from what we see now!

And, I’m sure, that with great culture plant will get cultural award.

I believe that this new cross has great potential!



Exhibitor - Laura Newton, FL (Accredited Judge, Florida North Central Judging Center)