Paphiopedilum villosum
Week 43 Plant 2: Jan 25, 2021
Paphiopedilum villosum

Second Paphiopedilum species for this week is Paphiopedilum villosum (‘Gold Rush’ x ‘Grand Finale’)
Paphiopedilum villosum is found in Assam India, Myanmar, Thailand, southern China (Yunnan), Laos and Vietnam.
It grows in primary, evergreen, highland cloud forests on trees 10 - 15 meters above the ground or rarely on cliff faces of 1100 to 2100 meters.
This species was described by Berthold Stein in 1892. Paphiopedilum villosum (Lindl.) Stein (1892) is accepted species by WCSP (Kew).
Besides Paphiopedilum villosum (Lindl.) Stein (1892), WCSP (Kew) accepted 5 varieties: Paphiopedilum villosum var. annamense; Paphiopedilum villosum var. boxallii; Paphiopedilum villosum var. densissimum; Paphiopedilum villosum var. laichaunum; Paphiopedilum villosum var. villosum.
Previous Awards:
This species has been awarded 95 times including many varieties and forms and 67 of those are AOS awards. The latest award is Paphiopedilum villosum var. laichaunum 'Caelin' AM/AOS 82 pts (Oct 17, 2020).
Our candidate has one flower on one 14 cm Inflorescence. Plant has 4 mature growths and one new growth. This is the second flowering for this plant.
This is the cross with two named parents (‘Gold Rush’ x ‘Grand Finale’). Paph. villosum 'Grand Finale' has been awarded AM/AOS 85 pts in Oct. 2009 (Exhibitor - Marriott Orchids).
Flower Measurements:
NS H - 11.2 cm; NS V - 12.1 cm;
Dorsal Sep. W - 5.5 cm; Dorsal Sep. L - 6.7 cm;
Petal W - 3.5 cm; Petals L - 6.3 cm;
Lat/Synsepal W - 4.1 cm; Lat/Synsepal L - 6.2 cm;
Lip/Pouch W - 3.1 cm; Lip/Pouch L - 5.6 cm.
Judges' Comments
Kristen Mason (Accredited Judge, Cincinnati Judging Center)
Paphiopedilum villosum - Full elegant large, fuller flower - dorsal - love the intense yellow with the lighter yellow edge (different than the typical white edge) and the dark venation and suffusion. Very slight asymmetry on the petals, I love the contrast of the deep raspberry stripe on the petals and the harmony it gives with the lip color. Flowers are larger than awards both in overall size and in segments. Improved form and color. Low flower count. I pointed this flower at 88 - so high AM.
Al Messina (Accredited Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Paphiopedilum villosum: One well-presented flower on one staked, erect inflorescence among the larger of the prior awarded blooms; form appears to be good, conforming to standard; color acceptable (petals superiorly might be darker on later blooms); should be fine for AM 81-83.Certainly,more flowers would increase score.
Bill Goldner (Accredited Judge, National Capital Judging Center)
Villosum is form/variety annamense. Great color, nice form. Narrow petals.
Mark Werther (Accredited Judge, Mid-Atlantic Judging Center)
The fairrieanum is undercolored and the insigne sanderae (as usual) has poor petals.
My interest is in the villosum. A main consideration with the villosums is the timing of the photograph based on the fullness or reflexing of the dorsal. The dorsal is fairly well presented and has 5.5cm NS. The flower NS of 11.2cm is acceptable. The petals are held well. I like the contrast between the clear yellow and distribution and overlay of the mahogany coloration. I would award the flower with a high HCC.
I find the designation of the forms confusing and certainly the award pictures do little to clear the problem. It would be helpful if correctly designated pictures of all five forms that you have listed could be displayed.
Thank you.
Mark Werther
Dave Sorokowsky (Accredited Judge, California Sierra Nevada Judging Center)
Paph villosum.
Very good intense yellow color in the dorsal. The chestnut overlay is also very good. Pouch color is good, petal color is also nice. Petals have below average form. Asymmetrical and they roll back too much. I would screen this.
Deb Boersma (Student Judge, Great Lakes Judging Center)
Paphiopedilum villosum
This flower has good form, it appears typical for this species. The dorsal is erect and petals are held almost horizontal. The ruffled margins of the petals are normal for this species. The flower size is above average when compared to the last ten awarded plants however, it is smaller than ‘Margy’ with a natural spread of 11.5 by 13.6 cm. The colours are soft and do not seem to be as vibrant or saturated as other awarded plants especially when compared to ’Caelin’. It is hard to say if the colours are more vibrant in person or if the photo has been washed out somewhat. It does have size going for it but that is only 10% of the point scale. I don’t think this cultivar has better color, colour saturation, markings or patterns to nominate it for a quality award when there are already 95 awards.
Ginna Plude (Associate Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Paph villosum - I had to think about this for a while because I am not a fan of villosum so I wanted to make sure it wasn't my bias speaking. This is a very nicely flowered plant and a good sized flower. Unfortunately, like the other species it's a well awarded so it is harder to award another instance. If the coloring were perhaps less typical of the species I might consider a nomination but it is so much like the others that I would not nominate it.
Deb Bodei (Associate Judge, Northeast Judging Center)
Paphiopedilum villosum (‘Gold Rush’ x ‘Grand Finale’)
The overall size of all segments is large and likely a first impression when viewing the candidate in person.
The symmetry of the flower is very good. It has a great rounded dorsal with minimal rolling basally. Petals have a nice open stance. Most villosum have a severe forward reach. The less than desirable form in this flower is the pinching and recurved petals. It is a common trait in this species and is scorable here. A nice staminode, with an average but balanced synsepal and pouch. The umbo is discreet.
The color of the dorsal is a lovely bright yellow and a rich mahogany overlay with a narrow picotee on the margin. The petal color compliments the dorsal.
I would nominate this plant for a flower award and expect a score of 80 pts.
Olaf Gruss (Germany)
Question about varieties is much more difficult, because there are so many varieties described and so many plants are mislabeled.
Here some of the so named varieties. All these are only single clones.
Paphiopedilum villosum varieties Lindenia 659-660 1899
Var. albomargiantum was used for a clone with white margin in the dorsal sepalum. You can find them often. It was not an accepted name. I don’t think so that the plant is a var. annamense, then the flower should be smaller than a typical villosum.
But is also no other typical variety.
Paphiopdilum villosum var. annamense
Botanical Magazine pl. 8126; 1907
Paphiopedilum villosum Lindenia CXXXII 1888
Exhibitor - Sergey and Elena Skoropad, NJ (Associate Judges, Northeast Judging Center)
Virtual Award Description
One elegant, full flower on one 14-cm erect inflorescence; flower clear deep yellow; dorsal sepal suffused and veined dark mahogany centrally, light yellow picotee; petals striped raspberry centrally, veined and suffused mahogany; mahogany hairs basally; pouch overlaid mahogany; staminode dark yellow; substance firm; texture glossy.
Grower's Advice
We grow all our Paphiopedilums inside the house in the winter and outside from end of May until beginning of October. There are challenges to grow them in winter because humidity in the house is very low (around 20%). In the summer humidity very high and keep Paphs. outdoor is another challenge. If water stay inside the growth (in the crown) it's a big chance to get new growth rotted. I lost several Paphs. last year but still preferred to grow them outside in the summer. Interesting, that some of them like this humid summer condition and doing fine.
All Paphs., including Paph. villosum grown in bark mix (medium and small bark, perlite and some lava rocks for drainage). I toped mix by ouster shells once on a wile.