Broughtonia sanguinea (Alba)

Broughtonia sanguinea (Alba)

Bro sanguinea alba

Broughtonia sanguinea (Sw.) R.Br. (1813) is accepted species by POWO, Kew. The native range of this species is Jamaica. It is a pseudobulbous epiphyle and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.

Previous Awards:

There are 121 AOS awards for Broughtonia sanguinea, including several color forms


The candidate plant has 88 flowers and 32 buds on 9 inflorescences up to 74.9-cm length. Substance average; texture crystalline.

Flower Measurements:

NS H - 5.5 cm;                    NS V - 5.3 cm;

Dorsal Sep. W - 0.9 cm;    Dorsal Sep. L - 3.2 cm;

Petal W - 3.0 cm;               Petals L - 2.9 cm;

Lat/Sepal W - 1.1 cm;       Lat/Sepal L - 2.9 cm;

Lip/Pouch W - 3.5 cm;     Lip/Pouch L - 2.5 cm.

Exhibitor - Jan Takamiya, HI (Associate Judge, Hawaii Judging Center)

Plant has been nominated for flower and cultural awards and scored 86 pts Award of Merit and 89 pts of Cultural Merit

Virtual Award Description

Eighty-eight full, flat flowers and thirty-two buds on nine well-presented upright staked inflorescences up to 74.9-cm on an immaculate plant 52-cm wide by 14-cm tall plant grown in a 30-cm plastic pot in a mix of bark; flowers crystalline white; sepals lanceolate; petals broad, rounded overlapping, slightly serrate margins; lip open, round, crystalline white with a touch of rich yellow deep in throat; anther cap white; substance average; texture sparkling; flower received Award of Merit 86 points; grower also received CCM award 89 points.